Bob Pitman Ministries
"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus'  sake."   II Corinthians 4:5  KJV
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Well Glory!

   2025 brings us to the end of the first quarter of the 21st Century.  Time seems to be flying by.  Part of that may be due to the fact that I will turn 78 this year (September 8).  People often ask, "Bro. Bob how long will you keep going?"  The answer to that question depends on two things.  

   First, my health.  So far my health remains strong and I thank God for that.  Thank you for your prayers in that area.  Second, the invitations from pastors to preach in their churches.  Every year since entering evangelism I have had a full schedule and I am sure it will be the same this year.  

   You will notice on the schedule page that I have a few open dates for the Fall at this time, but I am confident that this will change.  Check the schedule page periodically as it will be updated throughout the year.  

   As you read over my 2025 schedule, pray for God to move mightily throughout this year in every Revival, Bible Conference and Harvest Day and that He will draw many souls unto Jesus.

In Him,

Bro. Bob

II Corinthians 4:5