The day of revival meetings has NOT passed. Many churches still have one or two revival meetings per year with great success. The usual format is Sunday morning through Wednesday night, though variations to meet specific church schedules can be worked out. The local Pastor can advise the evangelist concerning the type of meeting he feels his church needs: evangelistic crusade or a church revival.
Bible Conferences have become very popular in recent years. Sometimes there is one preacher per service, and sometimes there are two. A Bible Conference allows the evangelist to deal with subjects not normally dealt with during regular revival services. Some churches have a Sunday through Wednesday format while others have a Wednesday through Friday format.
This type of ministry is usually geared toward reaching the lost for salvation. Under the authority of the Pastor the evangelist will preach evangelistic messages with the express purpose of proclaiming the Gospel in a powerful way so as to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin and conversion to Christ.
This new ministry is gaining widespread popularity. The services are usually held Monday-Wednesday mornings, specifically aimed at "Seasoned Saints." Some churches also follow the service with a luncheon. At times, the evangelist will be available on the Sunday prior to the Senior Adult revival.
Bob Pitman Ministries sponsors the East Coast Men's Bible Conference in Rocky Mount, NC, the second Friday and Saturday of March annually, at the Englewood Baptist Church. The conference features great preaching and outstanding music by some of the finest preachers and Christian artists in America. Registration for the conference may be made through Englewood Baptist Church. Click here to visit the Conferences page.
The evangelist has preached many times at Associational Evangelism Conferences, State Convention Evangelism Conferences, and Real Evangelism Conferences (sponsored by Bailey Smith Ministries).